Tuesday, December 23, 2008


So, it's almost here, folks- is everybody ready? I just talked to my Dad, and Mom is just getting to the piano top decor, and then on to the trees- poor lady, she has been waaaayyy too busy this year! I love you Mom- keep it up!

Anyway- we were nationally recognized today on the news for our 60+ inches of snow we recieved in the last five days or so! Holy moley, it is crazy out there- we have pretty much been homebound this week- I hope we make it to Christmas without killing each other! Just kidding.... We have watched a lot of movies, ate lots of snacks, played on the computer a lot, and tonight we are making sugar cookies for the girls to decorate- Dad is at the store as we speak, calling every five minutes asking what else we need! " I can't find the sprinkles, honey!"

So, needless to say again, but I will- Merry Christmas to all of our wonderful family and friends... we love you and hope it is a wonderful holiday this year- the kids cannot wait! Tata for now....


amy said...

my big-mama-bootie(boodie?)thanks you for the delicious sticky rolls.

Megan Jo Eddie said...

hope you survive all the crazy snow. We'll pray for the sun to shine and melt some away. Have a very Merry Christmas. Love you all so much