Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Festival of Trees

Hi everybody! Look at these super adorable silly girls :) These were taken down at Calli's Festival of Trees special chorus performance just a couple of days ago..... she did soooo great! She had the biggest glowing smile on her face the whole time (mostly because I was making silly faces at her to keep her smiling). We had family and friends show up to support her, and she had a beautiful new skirt, shirt, and shoes to wear for the special day. We are so proud of our Calli bug! She will also be singing in the upcoming Hayden Days Xmas parade and lighting ceremony, and then has two more performances before Christmas Day. Megs- it made me cry to think of all those years when we played at Festival of Trees in Twin- so much fun and such good memories!

Besides that- Kara is officially home-based again! I can't believe how much easier life is when I get the chance to work at home and be here for my girls. It has been rough trying to make the right decision, but I really feel that being home is the best choice. They have both been sick and had to stay home from school lately, and it's so nice to be able to get all my household things done while I get work done also. So- wish me luck! Love you all so much and hope to hear from you soon.....

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hey everybody! You know what we don't need to stock up on in the next six months at least? CANDY!!! Holy moley- the kids raked in a good haul this year.... we went trick or treating last night with a bunch of our neighbors- it was great times :) I hope everyone else had a delicious, spooky, and sugar-filled Halloween too! Here's some pics...

(and a quick side note) you can see Smokey on the top picture- I have had this silly puppy for almost 12 years now- can you believe it? He is not doing so hot these days- can't walk on his back legs at all, so we decided to get him all cleaned up and bathed so he could come inside once in a while and stay warm. The plan is to make him a nice warm bed for the winter so he can stay out in the garage. Doesn't he look amazing! So excited!!! Love you all :)