Monday, November 1, 2010

Hey everybody! You know what we don't need to stock up on in the next six months at least? CANDY!!! Holy moley- the kids raked in a good haul this year.... we went trick or treating last night with a bunch of our neighbors- it was great times :) I hope everyone else had a delicious, spooky, and sugar-filled Halloween too! Here's some pics...

(and a quick side note) you can see Smokey on the top picture- I have had this silly puppy for almost 12 years now- can you believe it? He is not doing so hot these days- can't walk on his back legs at all, so we decided to get him all cleaned up and bathed so he could come inside once in a while and stay warm. The plan is to make him a nice warm bed for the winter so he can stay out in the garage. Doesn't he look amazing! So excited!!! Love you all :)

1 comment:

amy said...

sorry about your sweet smoky. the girls look fantastic! love you!