Thursday, June 9, 2011

MS. Teagyn is officially a Kindergarten Graduate!

Oh joy- we are heading to 1st grade! CAllista, Frankie, and I all made it to Teagyn's graduation yesterday- holy moley- it was sooo cute :) She had this funny look on her face most of the time- kinda like she had no lips.... it's her shy and embarassed look, I presume.

All the classes sang some great songs, including You are my Sunshine, which I have sung to her since she was a newborn, and she has always said it was her favorite song, so of course some tears sprung up on that one.

Then they did some cute other songs and each child got up on the platform to receive their diplomas... Teags was the last one in her class, and Ms. Johnson announced her as the littlest, but certainly not the least- she got up there and the entire crowd whooped and clapped for her, which was hilarious and made her so shy! They didn't do that for any other kid, so I think she got lucky to be the last one- but she's also so dang cute that people just can't help it!! So very proud of all my girls!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Calli's Birthday!!! 10 years old and counting....

YAY for B-DAY's!!! Our sweet, precocious, Miss Callista Bobista turned 10 a couple days ago :) Can you believe it? 10?? She had a delightful birthday.... we had a bit of a "schoolbus fiasco" so her b-day party is postponed until further notice (good behavior) BUT instead she got to have just a family party, plus she got a big bbq party at her dad's the day after- so all in all, I think she made out pretty well :) Her big present for this year is to go back to gymnastics! She is super stoked about that- evaluation is this coming weekend, so we'll see where she is placed at this point- I'm really excited to support her in this again and I think it's a great thing for her.... she had lots of gifts and phone calls and love from all around!

Besides birthdays, we have lots going on- Teagyn's kindergarten graduation is tomorrow, so there will definitely be pics coming soon from that :) Alyx is doing so so great and is working at Albertson's as a bagger/customer service/cart-getter, etc.... and she is excelling at it! She spends time with us every week and we get to hang out with her a lot... also, her school is coming along really quick and it looks like she will be done by the end of summer... I am working hard and all that- not much new going for me- except oh wait!! I get to go see my gorgeous sister Amy in a few weeks!! Woohoo for Buffalo- here we come! Frankie's family is from there, so we will be going over for his family reunion, and I get to spend time with Ames... considering I'm the last family member to finally make my way over there, I think it's high time this came about :) Can't wait to see you Amy and Ry, and my girly nieces!! Love you all so much- more to come soon