Friday, August 19, 2011

Makeover Partay.... :)

Oh good times! We have been helping my dear friend Felicia out with watching her kids while she goes back to work before school starts, so 2 days a week there is a challenge for me to find something to keep 4 to 6 (any given day brings new things and people) entertained! PLEASE let me know if you have any brilliant ideas... this week was makeover day. Now, be aware that I have never, ever been a makeup kind of girl, so I have a limited amount, but I pulled out what I had to share and let the girls go crazy with eye shadow, nail polish, etc... They had a great time and actually did a great job of skin tone matching- until it got to be later in the day and then it was just fun to spread lipstick on everyone's faces :) all in all, I think they had a good time and let me get some work done in between.. this Monday- school registration, work in between all of the extras, picnic at the park with the cool water spouts, and then off to a 3-year-old b-day party! Wish me luck!