Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Calli's Birthday!!! 10 years old and counting....

YAY for B-DAY's!!! Our sweet, precocious, Miss Callista Bobista turned 10 a couple days ago :) Can you believe it? 10?? She had a delightful birthday.... we had a bit of a "schoolbus fiasco" so her b-day party is postponed until further notice (good behavior) BUT instead she got to have just a family party, plus she got a big bbq party at her dad's the day after- so all in all, I think she made out pretty well :) Her big present for this year is to go back to gymnastics! She is super stoked about that- evaluation is this coming weekend, so we'll see where she is placed at this point- I'm really excited to support her in this again and I think it's a great thing for her.... she had lots of gifts and phone calls and love from all around!

Besides birthdays, we have lots going on- Teagyn's kindergarten graduation is tomorrow, so there will definitely be pics coming soon from that :) Alyx is doing so so great and is working at Albertson's as a bagger/customer service/cart-getter, etc.... and she is excelling at it! She spends time with us every week and we get to hang out with her a lot... also, her school is coming along really quick and it looks like she will be done by the end of summer... I am working hard and all that- not much new going for me- except oh wait!! I get to go see my gorgeous sister Amy in a few weeks!! Woohoo for Buffalo- here we come! Frankie's family is from there, so we will be going over for his family reunion, and I get to spend time with Ames... considering I'm the last family member to finally make my way over there, I think it's high time this came about :) Can't wait to see you Amy and Ry, and my girly nieces!! Love you all so much- more to come soon


Megan Jo Eddie said...

OH, I miss those beautiful nieces and sister of mine! i'M SO SORRY we missed calling Calli on her birthday. I was moving carpet that day- and well lost my mind temporarily. Please tell her I love her and will make it up to her. The girls are so beautiful and growing up sooooo much. So jealous you get to go to Buffalo- come sneak me in your bag. Have so much fun. Love you and miss you tons.

amy said...

woohoo for you coming to buffalo! can't wait!!!!
sounds like the calli-girl had a great birthday. we love her soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomuch!