Friday, May 28, 2010

Okay everybody- Kara is officially starting her new job on Tuesday!!! Yay for me :)

It's at a medical company- has awesome hours, amazing benefits for the kids and me, and sounds like a place I could work for a very long time. I will be doing coding and data entry for the ER here, but I work with three very sweet ladies in a little office, not in the hospital. It sounds like it will work out great- super excited! Besides that, not a whole lot going on. I have been busy looking for work, so now that's accomplished, we can start planning out Calli's b-day party next week. I cannot believe she is going to be 9- where did the time go? I'm sure we will have a lot of pics to post then......

1 comment:

amy said...

hooooooooray!!!!!!!!!!! i am so happy to hear such good news! love you sis!