Monday, November 30, 2009

Yada yada yada....

Sorry folks- there's just not much going on in the West household right now, so I don't have a whole lot to talk about! Well there's this- I am searching for more work ( I got laid off and am only working one or two days a week right now) and that's going so-so- this job is all about who you know. In the meantime, Chris' work is going great- keep on hoping for little snow, because that's what keeps him going! Teags is staying home with me every day now- just so we can save a little cash by taking her out of her two-day preschool. So, we have been doing projects, crafts, and lots of writing practice! Calli went back to school today and, at the moment, is shooting me dagger looks because I will not just give her the answer to her homework! Sorry Charlie- not gonna happen.... Besides that news, not a whole lot else... I wrote a long letter to Alyx today, did ALL the laundry in the house, and almost all my cupboards are re-cleaned and organized.... what's a girl to do with all this extra time? I realized that I am not happy staying at home without working... I need to be productive and make money, or else I feel a little useless. Oh well- keep us in your thoughts... something always comes through!!

By the way- we had a great Thanksgiving, did you? I have pictures of the girls, but they are on the cell phone, and I'm not too sure about transfers....

1 comment:

amy said...

hooray for chris and his great job! you will find something soon. you always make things work. you are amazing. loves to everyone!