Saturday, December 5, 2009

Christmas decor....

Well- the christmas season is on! we are so ahead of ourselves for the first year ever that we are not quite sure what to think.... shopping is done, the tree is up, decorations are up, and we are so ready! Thought I'd share some pictures with you of the tree and front room- also there are some pics from Thanksgiving and Grape Grandma and Poppa's house.... love you all!


amy said...

i love that i can look at your pictures and recognize things...the sparkling sweater on teags, the advent calendar from mom. so fun! love you!!!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

I love the pictures of the girls on the couch. They are both just soooooooo beautiful! Teagys hair is so long! Taylor's cutting her's all off tomorrow, with bangs. We shall see. Peri is crying right now, saying "why can't teagyn come play at my house" She misses her sweet cousins. I LOVE YOUR RED PILLOW ON YOUR COUCH. I hope when you wake up one morning it's not gone! so cute. love you