Thursday, January 15, 2009

alright, alright- i got tagged!

So, Megs, my evil sister has tagged me again! This one looks fun, though.... I am supposed to say seven interesting things about myself that nobody really knows! I don't know how interesting they are, but here ya go anyway!

1- I hum constantly... my husband thinks I'm crazy or that I don't know any words to any songs! I totally do, I just find humming to be calming or something, I guess :)

2- I also talk to myself a lot, and I bet people think I am a little nutsy- I talk to myself in the grocery store, saying my list out loud, etc... I think it's pretty funny, myself!

3- I am a recipe fiend... I have sooo many cookbooks, like one or two would not be enough! I will probably have a good sized library by my old age. By the way, if anyone wants to borrow, I would be happy to share!

4-I absolutely love that these blogs are around- this is my greatest new hobby- and it is the best thing to be able to share my sister's lives with them through their blogs, plus I have found a lot of other people have them too, and it is so nice to be able to catch up with old friends.

5- I am really bad at math- the other night I told Calli her homework was wrong, and she was very upset with me, saying, but Mom- I can't figure this one out- I think it's right! Chris checked it and it sure was- bad mom!

6- One of my biggest dreams is to go skydiving- I don't know what it is, but I always get the urge to jump off stuff! I am serious- I will do this someday! I will probably pee my pants, but it's worth it! This is a curse though- I have broken my ankles several times now!

7- Lastly, my other great dream is to someday open a restaurant OR a bed and breakfast.... I have all sorts of ideas for menus, etc. I think it is so fun to cook for people and see their reactions to food.... I bet my sisters and I could put together a sweet restaurant!

Okay- that's it, that's all the interesting stuff about me!


amy said...

you bet we could! one of these days...

Kelli Stellmon said...


Thanks so much for sharing the webpage for us to follow your family! What a joy it is to see you all doing so well. Give those pretty girls a kiss and hug from us!
Your mom sounds like a great lady! Kudos to her! Give Alyx our love as well.