Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lazy daze....

This is how Teags entertains herself during the day while I am working.... she is very creative!
So, preparations for the holidays are coming right along- we are selling Calli's huge barbie house to make some room for her desk, which will have a computer on it! She inherited Grandma Jan's old computer and is very excited to play some games on it.
Besides that, my parents are coming up tomorrow for Alyx's court date- here's hoping all goes well... That will be a real quick visit, but then the girls and I are off to their house next week for tookey day (that's what Teagyn calls it).... the girls are very excited for Ella's swimming party!
So, that's all I have for you for now... by the way, if you have Amy's blog, check out her tips for the week on home decorating- very informing and cute, Ames! I love you all so much.... happy day...


amy said...

teags is such a cutie pie. also my little sweeties have spent some time in the laundry basket. see you soon!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

That is the cutest picture of Teagyn. I wish I could still fit into a big container. My kids beg me to put them in ours and push them over the house. It's a good workout on carpet!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

Tag..... check my blog for details