Thursday, November 13, 2008

Howdy, all....

Hey loyal readers! Sorry we have not been updating very much lately.... busy, busy.
So, for updates. We have all been a little ill with the dreaded flu... but I think it has passed. I am getting very excited for the holidays! We are going to Marmee and GG's for Thanxgiving and I get to see my wonderful sisters and families! I can't wait... I miss out on way too much with my nieces and nephews.
So, I have been trying to get some Xmas shopping done, and I came across the wonderful site of They have a section at the top listed as Borders Wonderland and you can scroll to the right and find a category for anyone in your life.... it's really fun. So, that's an idea for any of you (it's not just books, it's music, DVD, crafts, etc.)
Anyhoo- Chris is doing great- going hunting on Saturday with his grandpa and Chad and his dad... they are getting up and leaving about 3:30 a.m. Fun, Fun! So the girls and I will probably be spending the day with Auntie Karen and Maddie.
That's about all for now- hope everyone has a great day.... here's a quick inspiration for the day that I like-
Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns,
be happy that the thornbush has roses!
-German proverb


amy said...

i can't wait to see you and those little sweeties!!!!! we are getting very excited!

Alyx West said...

Hey, i'm glad that you guys are better, Sounds like a fun weekend. have fun with the girls.

love Alyx And Marmee and GG.

i'll see you this week see you