Monday, August 25, 2008

Hey all- just checking in with everyone... this week is quite busy.. today we have good old gymnastics, which means I get a break for an hour to go to the library, run errands, etc.. I like to watch Calli's class every couple weeks so I can see how much she has learned the last couple weeks- it makes it much funner. So, Teags and I will have some quality time at the library, where she is so not quiet! Then, it's dinnertime- if anyone has ideas for me tonite, I am not thinking too uniquely today, so let me know.... maybe I'll check out Amy's cooking blog-there's some good ideas there, sis!

So, on with the week- we have this really great neighbor, Joanne, who is an older lady and loves the neighborhood kids- so she is throwing all the girls around here a fancy tea party- they are going to dress up and have cakes, etc. It sure is nice to have people that love my kids as much as I do and entertain them for me once in a while!

Then, since it is Labor Day weekend, we are of course going camping with our whole posse over the weekend.... it's always fun- will definitely have pics from that to share with ya.

And then- joyous day- school starts! Woohoo!!!! Just kidding... I am just excited to have some routine back and a little quiet time for myself (including Teagyn).. The kids have new backpacks, very cute lunchbags, thanks to their fabulous GG and Marmee, and some very hot new school clothes- we will take pics.. Calli starts a new school this year since we are so overcrowded and she is excited, almost as much as me! So, that's my update for everybody... please feel free to email me and catch up with me..... Love you all!

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