Friday, February 5, 2010

Making changes.....

Okay, so we have been inviting some very good changes into our household this past few months or so.... very biggest thing was that Chris and I both quit smoking! I know this is a hard topic, and it's hard for me to admit to some of my family that I had been smoking. But WOW- what a difference it has made!!! Overall, we have really started to take more interest in our health. Chris and I have started running every morning, which I thought I would really hate! Surprise- I love it! We both stick in our headphones and Ipods, and grab Annie the dog- and we just head out in the neighborhood. By the time we get home, it's time for a healthy breakfast (which I also really never liked before) and then time to get the kids up and ready for the day. So- the quitting smoking has made more of an impact on our overall health than just how good it was to quit. I put this picture above on here because I have really enjoyed reading this. It's based on a plant-based diet (vegan) but you don't have to do it full-bore. I am mostly just flirting with trying to cut out meat and dairy more, and really sticking to whole grains, veggies, and no more processed foods! It's going to be a little tougher for the family than just me, but I think this will make a big impact on our health also.

So- I'm really excited about all these changes. I feel like this is more a change in our lifestyle than just diet and exercise. We are really going to stick with it, and all the encouragement you could give would be wonderful!


Ches said...

I'm so proud girl! It's funny to read this bc I have also made the same "resolution" and it feels ama-azing! Doug and I are on a Body for Life program- 6 small meals a day, whole grain and lean protein at every meal, one cheat day a week, unlimited veggies. It's really worked! 5 weeks in and I have gone down two notches on my belt and my jeans don't even fit! While I also gave up the same habit as you all (which I can't believe I'm admitting to on here), Doug has given up drinking Cokes which I think was harder on him than quitting smoking lol. Anyway, love you and great job!!

Megan Jo Eddie said...

You know I love you no matter what!I'm so proud of this huge change in your life. You are encouraging me as well. I actually worked out this week too! I love you so much Kara. Keep it up.

amy said...

i already knew cuz mom told me. shhhh. hooray for you guys! i told'd like running after a while. feels good! love you always.