Sunday, November 30, 2008

Here's my other half that I missed being with on Thanksgiving... Chris and his mom and grandparents... we missed you!

Oh, what fun!

Oh boy- the girls and I had a great time on our Thanksgiving vacation to Marmee and GG's, and Alyx's! We swam, had lots of good food, LOTS of laughs, and lots of fun altogether! It was so great to see my sisters and their families.... Ella had a wonderful birthday, too. I would like to post all the pic's I got, but here's a few for now.... I love my family and loved spending time with them... thanks again Mom and Dad! Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving also....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The rules:
1. Post the rules
2. Answer the six "8" items
3. Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving them a comment.

8 Favorite Shows:
1. Chelsea Lately on E!
2. SNL ( I love Weekend Update)
3. Football...... Go Green Bay!
4. Friends- still watch the reruns.
5. Everybody Loves Raymond
6. Jeopardy- never miss it
7. The Office
8. ER

8 things I did yesterday:
1. Slept
2. Slept again (it was Saturday-okay!)
3. Grocery shopping
4. Internet Xmas shopping
5. Watched a lot of Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel with the kids.
6. My hubby was in Seattle, so I missed him
7. Made dinner- chicken alfredo, green beans, and garlic bread
8. Teags did not hold her dinner down and threw up a few times, so I did some laundry, got her to bed with me, and watched SNL while praying she would not throw up again! (She feels great today)

8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. Toro Viejo- mexican place here in town
2. Olive Garden
3. Chili's
4. Noodle Express
5. Spaghetti Factory in Salt Lake
6. Anthony's- fancy schmancy little Italian place here
7. My kitchen, and my mom's kitchen, and Chris' mom's and grandma's kitchens, as well as both my sisters!
8. Subway

8 things I'm looking forward to:
1. Thanksgiving with my family!
2. Christmas, Christmas! ( I LOVE Christmas!)
3. The looks on my girl's faces on Xmas morning
4. Getting my Xmas presents!
5. Having some great snow playing outside
6. A big paycheck
7. Super bowl- it's on my birthday this year!
8. Alyx's really great report card!

8 things on my wish list:
1. For my girls to be happy and healthy.
2. For a nice backyard
3. To lose ten pounds
4. New pots and pans
5. An elf to clean my bathrooms
6. Polite, never whiney children
7. A happy husband who never has to work outside in the snow
8. Some new decor in my house

8 people I tag:
1. Karen
2. Alyx
3. Mom
4. Ames- she hasn't done it yet.
5. GG
6. Jesse Duckworth
7. Grammy
8. Grandma Jan

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lazy daze....

This is how Teags entertains herself during the day while I am working.... she is very creative!
So, preparations for the holidays are coming right along- we are selling Calli's huge barbie house to make some room for her desk, which will have a computer on it! She inherited Grandma Jan's old computer and is very excited to play some games on it.
Besides that, my parents are coming up tomorrow for Alyx's court date- here's hoping all goes well... That will be a real quick visit, but then the girls and I are off to their house next week for tookey day (that's what Teagyn calls it).... the girls are very excited for Ella's swimming party!
So, that's all I have for you for now... by the way, if you have Amy's blog, check out her tips for the week on home decorating- very informing and cute, Ames! I love you all so much.... happy day...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Howdy, all....

Hey loyal readers! Sorry we have not been updating very much lately.... busy, busy.
So, for updates. We have all been a little ill with the dreaded flu... but I think it has passed. I am getting very excited for the holidays! We are going to Marmee and GG's for Thanxgiving and I get to see my wonderful sisters and families! I can't wait... I miss out on way too much with my nieces and nephews.
So, I have been trying to get some Xmas shopping done, and I came across the wonderful site of They have a section at the top listed as Borders Wonderland and you can scroll to the right and find a category for anyone in your life.... it's really fun. So, that's an idea for any of you (it's not just books, it's music, DVD, crafts, etc.)
Anyhoo- Chris is doing great- going hunting on Saturday with his grandpa and Chad and his dad... they are getting up and leaving about 3:30 a.m. Fun, Fun! So the girls and I will probably be spending the day with Auntie Karen and Maddie.
That's about all for now- hope everyone has a great day.... here's a quick inspiration for the day that I like-
Instead of complaining that the rosebush is full of thorns,
be happy that the thornbush has roses!
-German proverb

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Okay, here's the fabulous costumes! Enjoy.....
Well, I cannot find the cord to the new camera, so I can't upload any pic's from Halloween... ugh, so annoying! So, I hope that when my husband comes home, he can enlighten me as to where it might be. It's been a pretty boring last week- I have had the flu, so I haven't much felt like doing anything..but trick or treating was a big success. The girls looked soooo cute! Calli was Sharpay from H.S. Musical... she had her hair done up in those good old overnight foam rollers, like my sisters and I used to wear to bed Saturday nights before church, remember those guys? And Teagyn was Belle, and boy did she hate that dress... we had to cut off the whole layer of tulle off the front because it was scratchy- but after she got lots of oohs and aahs, she decided she liked it! I would like to point out that she picked out the Belle costume herself, not me.

So, I hope I can post pics soon... tata for now...